About CanaryCo

My Story

Returning home to the Mid-Ohio Valley (just outside Marietta, in Reno) 10+ years ago, I’m thrilled to be doing what I enjoy, helping folks with both their financial futures and guiding them through the Medicare maze.

While moving to West Virginia for college, I earned degrees in Business Administration, Bible/Theology and Christian Education plus added a year on staff to assist in setting up a new college division. After spending five years away, I was invited back to the college, serving the next 25 years in administration. I LOVED my students!

With a career change in order and desiring to leave the mountains, I was drawn back to Ohio to serve the needs of folks like yourself and our grads, who need to get their retirement ducks in a row. I was moved by too many sad stories of those unable to retire until well into their 70s and beyond.

After completing training with two insurance/financial companies, I found myself unable to get behind either. Two directives prevailed: recommend what makes you and the company the most commission (the client’s best interest comes second) and diversify your clients into risky/unsafe financial products. I couldn’t stomach it.

Never having been one who could sleep if MY money was at risk, I would die of insomnia thinking a dime of my clients’ savings could be lost. Soon thereafter, I learned about the stable and growing financial products I have been offering ever since.

You can never lose what you already have and can utilize Market gains without being invested in the Market. Plus, there are Lifetime Income Riders available that can provide you with monthly income you cannot outlive—A very real possibility since many now are living way longer than those before us.

In recent years, I began exploring what MY Medicare might look like. When I saw how confusing and how dreaded the process by those approaching 65, I decided to jump in with both feet and I love it! You can get “taken” and not know it. I “shop” to get you the best plan at the best price and do the paperwork for you.

Probably what surprises folks the most, is that I do not charge for my services in either area. When and if we do business together, the insurance companies we choose take care of me. Neither risking your savings or charging for my services is in my DNA.

Hating calls from those who would pressure me into buying from or doing business with them, I will neither pressure or hassle you just because you connect with me. Exploring your options can’t hurt. Actually, it will only help. Seriously! We will become friends and I will treat you like valued family. 

-Cathie Canary

Main Address:

27060 State Route 7, Marietta, OH 45750

Don’t Wait Any Longer!

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